Credit card surcharge plans that EPNA offers
Merchant managed: The surcharge fees you collect will be funded to your bank account as part of a funding file for a batched submission. At the end of the billing period, the business will see a debit against their account for all surcharge fees you collected and were funded for over the course of the billing cycle.
Acquirer managed: The processor removes the surcharge fees you collected prior to sending the funding file to your bank. No debit of the surcharge fees will appear on your account at the end of the billing period.

All United States regions except for:
• Connecticut • Maine • Massachusetts • Puerto Rico
talech SaaS (Mobile, Starter, Standard and Premium) supported hardware:
- Moby5500
- Link/2500
- Moby M70
- Moby M120
- talech Register on the Lane3000
Note: Also supported in talech invoicing and talech online ordering
Supported stand-alone terminals:
- Tetra Desk3500
- Tetra Desk5000
- Tetra Move5000
Credit card surcharge supported products on Converge (MOTO/POS):
- iPP320
- iSC250
- Link/2500
Converge API:
- Hosted payment page
- Checkout.JS
- Buy button
Processing details:
Credit card surcharge works on all major credit card brands
Merchant pays 1% + $0.25 on PIN debit card transactions